Monday, September 14, 2009

True Blood Season Finale

Okay, so I missed the Kanye West douchbaggery at the VMA's because I was watching the Season Finale of True Blood. So Many questions!! as expected of course....if you have read the books, this Sam story line has set things up for "Hot Shot" to come into the picture, which should be interesting. Also in the Books Bill gets kidnapped, but Im not going to say who by or why that would be mean.

The bit about Jason killing Eggs and Andy covering for him, not sure what's going to happen there, but its going to be interesting.

How funny are Arlenes kids

"When Rene Coming back"?

"Oh he's still away on vacation"

Arlene walks away...

"He's dead"

"Yeah He's dead"

Great show now release season two on DVD ASAP! I gotsta have it.

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